According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary: a nurse is one who looks after, fosters, or advises. A nurse is also a person who cares for the sick.
A nurse’s job is not only to treat, but to care. It is an important job of a nurse to care AND know about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and addiction. If a nurse is well-educated about prescription drugs, side effects, and the problems with addictions, they will be able to educate patients as well. Educating patients about this may not stop all people from using and abusing, but will surely eliminate some. Many people “accidentally” become addicted because they are not aware of how addictive the drug can be, dosages, and frequency. If a patient knows all the facts, then they will be less likely to abuse. If a patient deliberately wants to abuse a drug, and there is know stipulations to stop prescribing the drug, then there is nothing the nurse can do.
Consumers should also care about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and addiction.
According to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary: a consumer is one that consumes; or one that utilizes economic goods.
Consumers, the people that take the prescription drugs, should definitely be concerned about the risks of prescription drug addiction. Many people, especially the elderly, accidentally overuse prescription drugs, then end up becoming addicted. People often misread and misunderstand information which can lead them to taking too much or too often. If patients are advised correctly, then this could reduce the accidental overuse of drugs. Also if patients are aware of the dangers of abuse and addiction, then they may be less likely to overuse. Many people, especially kids, believe prescriptions are less dangerous than street drugs, but if they are used improperly, then they definitely are not!
Consumers and nurses BOTH should be involved when it comes to concerns about prescription drugs. As consumer and a future nurse, how do YOU feel about prescription drug abuse and addiction?
I think that everyone should be aware and informed about this issue because I bet there are many people that are addicted to prescription drugs and are not aware of their addiction or of the consequences of such a problem.